sa SELECT marketing | inspiration

my excursion to find inspiration this weekend included a visit to AREA--a modern furnishings boutique in downtown Greensboro--and searches for "before & after". following is an amalgamation of things/images that i thought somehow could be incorporated into the "furnishings" piece of marketing for salvation army select.

the idea of a large "jack" came to mind after reflecting on the large ostrich in Anthropologie. it doesn't necessarily have to be a "jack", but an inspired idea--large scale--certainly creates the "unimagined experience". as well, i captured inspiration for displays and lighting, re-making of used furnishings (before & after), and using unexpected items for furnishings.

1 comment:

allisynmiller said...

hey denise!
i really like the oversize jack idea, or any object for that matter! it's quite effective. cool ideas!