hmmm...window displays

we've been challenged to dream up three window displays for the SELECT store.

one rule--keep it very, very simple. one point, one idea for each display. as Alannah Weston stated  " Not having too many ideas, having great compostion and really being able to tell a story are so important when designing a window display." as well, it's time for the Christmas displays, so a Christmas element was included. oh....and of course, the red shoes, too!

the first idea was inspired by some of my inspiration images. crisp billowy whites (these could be fashioned from donated sheets, bedspread, etc.), sparkle of light (the Christmas element), a "refound" chair (painted white), and a contrasting merchandise example on a white mannequin. and oh, the red shoes.

this 2nd display idea--a super-sized oh-so-familiar salvation army Christmas donation bucket filled with clothes and accessories. now, where to put the red shoes???.......hmmm, i'll put 'em on top. that should be an eye-catcher.

through the process of the other two ideas, this idea just came to me. an attention-getter, perhaps--the SELECT shields as clothing. and they have shoes--RED ones!

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