the hatchery | narrative

this [image] narrative is my initial ideation for 'the hatchery' space. each image relates, in one fashion or another, to a meteor and/or the meteor shower concept.

this concept fits 'the hatchery' notion of collaboration in that a meteor shower is only truly exciting and effective if there is a multitude of meteors. a single meteor is nice, but certainly uneventful and anticlimactic. lighting will be key in this space, and i envision orbs/spheres that represent 'heavenly bodies'. daylighting will be used to its full effect, with interesting artificial lighting.

1 comment:

Diana R. Stanisic said...

I love the images you've found. So your concept is meteor shower. How does It relate to the idea of the hatchery.. more like how did you find that concept within your research? I like how you've given each image a specific element for the space. Including materials that investigation will be fun. Are you looking to relate meteor shower to Greensboro or are you on a larger scale? I like the concept because there is sooo much you can do with it and make it interesting among your space, however I feel it doesn't relate to Greensboro.